Artifacts supporting evidence

My Teaching Journal

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This is my teaching journal which shows my reflections finished classes, shows the shortcomings and strengths as well as my learning. According to Farrell & Richards (2005), teaching journal is an ongoing written account of observations, reflections, and other thoughts about teaching, usually in the form of a notebook, book, or electronic mode, which serves as a source of discussion, reflection, or evaluation. The journal may be used as a record of incidents, problems, and insights that occurred during lessons; it may be an account of a class that the teacher would like to review or return to later; or it may be a source of information that can be shared with others.

Link to my teaching journal: 

Two Sample Lesson Plans that I liked and why

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I liked these lesson plans because these were really was meaningful, the students participated and enjoyed the class. They told me that liked the activities I proposed because they could know better and exchange experiences. Besides, the lessons ended as planned.

Lesson Plan 1:

Lesson Plan 2: 

Two Sample Lessons Plans that were Particularly Difficult and why

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These plans were particularly difficult because the subject was complex, I had difficulty saying a few words and although I knew the subject, I did not know how to explain some things in English.

Lesson Plan 1:

Lesson Plan 2:

Samples of Didactic Teaching Material Designed by me

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I want to say that I didn't design all my teaching material because I didn't time to prepare my class due to my pregnancy and had other courses, however, I tried to adapt the materials to students' level and needs. I designed the Final Exam and Pronouns.

Final Exam:

Lesson Report

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This is my lesson report that I did in stage 3. In my lesson report wrote how activities were, the difficulties that my learners experienced in different stages of the lesson, aspects successful, aspects did not work particularly well, aspects I should be done differently next time, among others. According to Richards and Farrell (2005), a lesson report tries to record what actually happened during the lesson. 

Group A 



Group B


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